Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3rd Appointment - Separators

Time for my third appointment and it's putting separators time, or commonly called, spacers.
For more information and purpose of it:

Anyway, I had eight separators on and all it took was less than 5 mins for them to settle in.

Here's what it looks like: (photos grabbed from google)

I went to the net to search about the pain yesterday and all I got was most people feel that the pain from the separators are worse than putting and tightening of braces. Hoping it won't be that bad for me. 

As all I could find was whether putting separators will be pain or not pain, I wanted to know if the pain will gradually increase and last for how long. So I shall just record down my own experience.

I have to keep the separators on until next Tuesday where it will be taken out and top braces will be fixed on.

Day 1, 4th Sep 2013, Wednesday - 5 hours after getting separators
Feeling pretty sore and there's like food stuck in between the teeth feeling. Feeling pain at my left side of teeth when I clench hard and  it's getting stronger. It's like the toothache kind of pain.

Day 2, 5th Sep 2013, Thursday
Woke up feeling aching in my mouth. The pain has spread throughout the other teeth. No longer feel something stuck in between the teeth because the soreness and achy-ness covered it. The teeth are sensitive now with slight soreness felt whenever my tongue touched them and when the top and bottom meet. Overall, pain still tolerable, but very uncomfortable. Still able to eat cheese fries.

Day 3, 6th Sep 2013, Friday
Feel much better. Not in as much pain as Day 2. But the soreness and tightness is getting more irritating at the lower set of teeth. Still able to eat potato curry puff but not the side crust.

Day 4, 7th Sep 2013, Saturday
Same as day 3. Minimal pain except being irritated by the soreness. Once awhile will keep shaking/pressing the teeth to make the feeling go away. But found out best way to let the feeling go is to eat things. Able to eat almost everything except stiff and hard food like meat, fried food and have to chew slowly with not able to chew with top touching the bottom rows of teeth.

Day 5, 8th Sep 2013, Sunday
Can eat almost normally except real hard things. Still pretty irritated by the soreness but the pain has been lowered. Can eat with some strength on the right side but not the left. Able to eat chicken wings today.

Day 6, 9th Sep 2013, Monday
Everything seems normal. No more soreness, no nothing. Can eat normally except feeling abit of pain on the left side but still can use strength. Cannot even feel the separators are inside unless I use my tongue to feel it.

The records shall stop here since tomorrow morning, I will remove the separators and fix in the top braces already.

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