Showing posts with label Outing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outing. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

More Doggy Outings

Lots of overdue outings that we went either on Friday or Saturday. School has returned and I've not have the mood to post anything as I'm still trying to get used to the tiredness and stress again.

Quite long ago when we got free samples of dehydrated treats from a new online shop that sells it for dogs.

Much more longer during an impromptu trip to Sun Ray Cafe with Kanon, his parents, Yuki & her papa. 

Paw Pet-radise Cafe for consecutive two weeks with Kanon! 

For the first week, neighbor joined us with her shih tzu. And there was lots of Japanese Spitz! I think there were around 7-8 of them.

Second week was last Friday, Good Friday. We met up with Lycan & Lexie! The two border collies. They were so pretty and smart! 

Anyway, it's been a weekly thing to go out with Kanon, his owner, Sheena. We have been out together for like 5 or 6 weeks already? 

Such a pity for the coming 2 or 3 Saturdays, we wouldn't be able to meet them as the school arranged for us to watch some plays which is compulsory, and we even have to pay for the tickets. Boo. As if 5 days a week to school isn't enough. Really upset that I cannot bring Cookie to the Dog Run for this coming few weeks!